Practice Areas

We practice in majority of the counties in Tennessee: Sumner, Davidson, Wilson, Robertson, Macon, Trousdale, Cheatham, Montgomery, Rutherford, Cannon, Williamson, Maury and Dickson.



Deciding whether to file for divorce is a difficult decision, regardless of whether you anticipate a settlement or not. Along with processing the emotions associated with your divorce, you need to make sure your assets are protected, debts are divided appropriately, and alimony issues are handled. In both uncontested and contested divorce actions, we’re prepared to help you move forward.

Post-Judgment Modifications

Sometimes things change, and court orders needs to change as well. Alimony, custody, and child support modifications have specific legal thresholds that must be met before you file to modify a previous court order. Let’s talk through it and devise a plan for either initiating or defending against a modification.


If you received an unfavorable result and are considering an appeal, you need to contact an attorney as soon as possible to ensure that we can discuss your options and potentially act before any deadlines have passed. Even if we didn’t represent you at the trial, we can discuss representing you on an appeal.

Juvenile Delinquency/Unruly

Minors can be charged with criminal offenses that are handled in a specific way due to the child being underage, i.e. truancy, violating curfew, underage possession of alcohol, drugs or tobacco, running away, etc.)

Family with children

Child Custody

Having your children live between two different households can be hard on you and them. The needs of your children are also constantly changing, and the other parent may not agree on what is best for the kids. We’re prepared to advocate for a custody arrangement that makes sense and keeps the children’s best interests in mind.

Sumner County Courthouse


Many unmarried parents haven’t established good routines or communication regarding the children. It’s important to get a plan in place early in the child’s life in the event an issues arises later.

Wills, Living Wills, & Powers of Attorney

It’s important that you (and your family members) have a plan in place for the future. We can help you create documents to establish what should happen if you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself, your estate, and your end-of-life decisions.


Conservatorships and guardianships are necessary when an individual is deemed unable to make decisions on their own and a third party is granted the legal authority to make decisions on behalf of, and in the best interests of, that individual. Conservatorships can be necessary for elderly due to diminished capacity and incapacitated individuals as a result of other medical conditions or injury, or minor children, for both their financial decisions and also their personal care.

Child Support and Child Support Modifications

Child Custody and Visitation

The child support guidelines are complex and detailed. Whether you’re paying or receiving child support, we can help to ensure that your income is calculated accurately and that special circumstances are considered. 

Adoptions/Termination of Parental Rights

Adoption establishes a parent-child relationship between individuals who are not biologically related. It is a profound way to create or expand a family, providing a stable and loving environment for children in need. Sometimes, parental rights must be severed, either for adoption purposes or otherwise, to protect a child from abuse, neglect, or other harmful situations.

Divorcing Parents with child

Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements

As awkward as the conversation may be with your significant other, pre-and postnuptial agreements are a great way to avoid litigation in the future. Marriage is a financial decision, and we’ll make every effort to make this delicate process comfortable and beneficial.

Grandparent Visitation/Stepparent Visitation

Family Law Court

There are occasions where a grandparent or stepparent has a significant relationship with a child and has been denied contact with that child by the child’s parent. The law in Tennessee provides an avenue for grandparent and stepparent visitation under the right circumstances.

Court room - divorce and family law

“Navigating the complexities of family law requires expertise, intelligent aggressiveness, and strategy, but also empathy and understanding. Our commitment is to guide you through with care, information, and a tailored approach, ensuring the best outcome for you and your loved ones.”

— King & Cagle, PLLC

Legal Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For specific guidance on a legal issue, please consult with a qualified attorney.